Monday, October 21, 2013


I know that you know I love doing festivals, but I really enjoy doing Zinefest in particular. Its really great to be around people with the same passion as you. I often hear that normally my fellow zinesters are introverts by nature, but not today. Today is their day and Zinefest is their fest. Our fest. Surrounded by fellow artists, readers, and writers, the Museum of Print History settled into a warm groove of positive energy where we all talked and met each other again or for the first time. Of course this is only my experience and I did observe a few grumbling psychos here and there, muttering to themselves and staring into empty space, but overall spirits were high.

Zinefest was really well organized and seemed to run smooth from where I was sitting. I missed out on all the special activities in the stage area of the show but I'm sure they were very informative and inspiring... honestly I have no idea. I just saw little Maria Heg trot in and try her hardest to yell stuff. I pretty much missed everything except what was going on at my table.
The best part of my time was getting to chat with all kinds of people coming by to check things out. Most of the people were there because they loved zines and came to collect. There were also some people from the neighborhood that came in to see what was going on and they were fun too. 

The room I set up in. I believe there were three.
Favorite pics. Sucks I missed some tables in all the fracas.
To the guy who proclaimed he would "use" my button packaging idea: if you're too lazy to think of your own ideas, you're probably too lazy to execute mine. There's a lot of work that goes into producing a tangible thing. It's not like you can just order something like that, you thieving piece of phlegm. 

To the mother/daughter team of noodle-brained mouth breathers: my button machine is not indestructible. You can not insert the coin you found in the garbage disposal and expect it to work. It is barely recognizable as a quarter. You can also not get away with being inconsiderate to the owner of this machine. I am not Walmart. I do not have unlimited resources to reverse your idiocy. Some day you will encounter the right person on the wrong day and you will have your eyes opened.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


It's that time o year again. Busting out hard for ZINEFEST HOUSTON 2013, and then a table show at LONE STAR BAZAAR. Then I'll be taking a small break til the BIG ONE! STAPLE Independent Media Expo in Austin! I can not wait for these three shows! I only did one table show this year so that I can actually produce some new artwork. Hopefully a new solo show is on the horizon because its really piling up.
These past few weeks I've been dedicating time to zine creation. Not only Psychoplasmics#6, but also a big issue of 22Veins#3, a new book of Rene Cruz's great airbrush portraits,  and an illustrated short story by Pizo Meyer. Lots of great stuff. I even started an unfiltered Vine account. Shit! I just started an Etsy Store, and this weekend I'll be launching a new! Fuck I'm tired! Uh, OH! I just did some work for the GREATEST COMEDY PODCAST IN THE WORLD! THE BIG 3 PODCAST! From that I got hired to do a gig for a podcast out of Phoenix called The Brickwall Sessions. Fuck I'm tired. I'mma go to bed now. Good night!

My number one listen every Friday!

Workin it! Four hand cut prints each!